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Echo., 2020

Digital Audio Workstation, LMMS

Katherine Wander: Image
Katherine Wander: Music Player


“There is Beauty in Simplicity”

“Echo.", plays on the idea of finding intricacy in simplicity. This song manipulates a repetition device in a way that creates a relaxing ambiance. By repeating the same chords over and over again, layering progressions, and adding reverb throughout the song, it created this effect of what I like to describe as a "fulfilling emptiness". There is something interestingly peaceful about the song, through the repetition, while also establishing a hard tone when the bass kicks in. This juxtaposition between the melody and bass aids in the relationship between long and drawn out chords and sharp, quick beats. For me, this song represents the idea that complexity is not always the way to succeed. It can be difficult to keep something from indulging into different sounds, but to be able to achieve a product that can hold just as much power.

Katherine Wander: Text

ArtsFest 2020

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