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Banana Bread, 2020

Digital Audio Workstation, LMMS

Joanna Song: Image
Joanna Song: Music Player


The piece is called Banana Bread, and is meant to be a relaxing, yet refreshing tune to get the reader in a calm and peaceful mood. It starts off with just a beat and background music and goes into the melody. The piece is moderately paced and has a cheerful tune in the beginning. Around the middle, the piece eases into a slower pace, but then goes back to the original tune. I created this piece because of my absolute inability to study in silence. I am constantly listening to music, so whenever I’m quietly studying, music is an essential. However, whenever I need to focus, I find that fast, intense songs tend to distract me, and songs that are too slow tend to be insufficient when it comes to satisfying my “music needs”. I decided to create a piece that right in between the two, that incorporates both hip hop and lo-fi elements, so I can listen to a song that keeps me motivated, but also doesn’t get me off track. Music production is something I have wanted to experiment with for a long time, however I need the beginning push to help me get started with what software to use, and how to use it. Learning how to use this software, and making this song finally allowed me to bring my ideas to fruition.

Joanna Song: Text

ArtsFest 2020

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