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Gain a deeper understanding into how our artists created their work.

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Digital Audio Workstation

A Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) is a type of software used for recording, editing, and creating audio files. Nowadays, they are used to create almost every kind of music imaginable. All the way from the pop songs that you dance to in your car to the cinematic scores you hear in the movies you love, a DAW is an essential tool for creating a piece of music. For the purposes of this workshop, participants learned how to use the DAW Linux Multimedia Studio (LMMS).

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The Piano Roll

Formally, a piano roll refers to a roll of paper that you feed into a self-playing piano to make it play a recorded piece of music. The paper is covered in small punctures that tell the piano what to play and how to play it. The location and length of the puncture indicate the note and the duration it is to be played for. In terms of music production, workshop participants used the digital piano roll available in LMMS to write chords and melodies they used in their final compositions.

Approach: Image

A Basic Walkthrough

This short video offers a basic walkthrough for the LMMS piano roll and song-editor. Workshop participants utilized the song-editor functionality to layer different instruments together and arrange their final compositions.

Approach: Video
A Basic Walkthrough

A Basic Walkthrough

Approach: Video Player

ArtsFest 2020

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